
Activities implemented by Hans Krönner include the following:

Regional cooperation in TVET

  • TVET Cooperation in Southern Africa: more...
  • TVET Cooperation in the Arab States: more...
  • TVET in Europe: more...
  • Post-primary education and training in Africa (2006-2008): more...

Information and communication in TVET

  • The global UNEVOC Network: more...
  • The UNESCO-UNEVOC Electronic Mail Forum: more...
  • The use of Internet in the UNEVOC Network: more...
  • Information on international cooperation agencies in TVET: more...

International TVET events

  • Second International Congress on TVE: more...
  • Cooperation between TVET institutions and enterprises: more...

National capacity building

  • TVET in Azerbaijan: more...
  • Pyongyang: National Workshop on TVET (2006): more...
  • Technical Trainers in Saudi Arabia (2009): more...
  • Development of an Observatory on Education, Training and Employment for Oman (2012): more...

Gender issues in TVET

  • Access of Females to TVET and Employment in Oman (2010) and in Saudi Arabia (2011): more...
  • Gender Analysis and Proposed Strategies for Equity and Equality in TVET in Tanzania (2012): more...

Further information

More information on the background, and about the role of Hans Krönner in launching UNESCO-UNEVOC, is presented in the following report which was published in 2012:

  • Transforming TVET – from idea to action.
    One decade of UNESCO-UNEVOC (English, PDF, 3.9 MB)
  • Transformer l'EFTP – de l'idée à l'action.
    Une décennie avec l'UNESCO-UNEVOC (français, PDF, 3.6 MB)
  • Other language versions of this report are available here.

More information about these activies:

TVET Cooperation in Southern Africa

From 2000 onward, UNESCO-UNEVOC and the Department of Vocational Education of the Botswana Ministry of Education jointly developed the initiative "Learning for Life, Work and the Future: Stimulating Reform in Southern Africa through Subregional Co-operation".

A workshop held in Gaborone, Botswana, served to identify areas of common interest among Member States of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in TVET reform. Project proposals were elaborated jointly.

Hans Krönner was in charge of this activity on behalf of UNESCO-UNEVOC.

Further information:

TVET Workshop Gaborone TVET Workshop Gaborone TVET Workshop Gaborone

TVET Cooperation in the Arab States

Starting in 2002, UNESCO-UNEVOC and the UNESCO Office Beirut launched a regional activity for the development of TVET in the Arab States.

At a workshop held in Beirut, Lebanon, in December 2002, stakeholders from the region determined a number of areas of work for joint development activities in the Arab States.

Hans Krönner was in charge of this activity on behalf of UNESCO-UNEVOC.

Further information:

Source of the above documents:

See also Gender issues in TVET for research conducted in Oman (2010) and in Saudi Arabia (2011).

TVET in Europe

In preparation for UNESCO's Second International Congress on Technical and Vocational Education (Seoul, 1999), Hans Krönner organised, on behalf of UNESCO-UNEVOC, the Symposium
"Vocational Education and Training in Europe on the Threshold of the 21st Century"
held on the Island of Crete, Greece, in 1998.

Further information:

Source of the above document:

Post-Primary Education and Training in Africa

In 2005, Hans Krönner joined the team of consultants of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA). ADEA is a forum for policy dialogue on education policies.
ADEA encourages exchanges and reinforces links between African ministries of education and bilateral and international development agencies.

ADEA held the 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa in Maputo, Mozambique from May 5-9, 2008. The Biennale is the most important meeting in Africa in the field of educational cooperation.

For the 2008 Biennale, Hans Krönner has been Thematic Coordinator for "TVET and Labour Markets in Urban and Rural Settings". This included identification of relevant good practice in African countries and other world regions, identification of authors, drafting of terms of reference for country case studies and background papers, interacting with authors to ensure quality of their submissions, and drafting summaries as well as extracting key messages for African policy makers.

Further information:

  • ADEA Newsletter, Special Issue Biennale 2008 (English, PDF, 3.6 MB)
  • La lettre de l'ADEA, Volume Spécial Biennale 2008 (français, PDF, 3.6 MB)
  • Post-Primary Education in Africa. Challenges and Approaches for Expanding Learning Opportunities. Synthesis prepared for and lessons learned from the ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa, Maputo, Mozambique, May 5-9, 2008 (English, PDF, 4.4 MB)
  • L'enseignement post-primaire en Afrique. Défis et approches pour étendre les opportunités d'apprentissage. Synthése et enseignements tirés de la Biennale 2008 de l'ADEA sur l'éducation en Afrique, Maputo, Mozambique, 5-9 mai 2008 (français, PDF, 4.4 MB)
  • Interview in "Development & Cooperation" No. 05/2010 (English)
  • Interview in "Entwicklung & Zusammenarbeit" Nr. 05/2010 (Deutsch)

Source of the above documents:

The Global UNEVOC Network

From 1993 to 2000, Hans Krönner developed the world-wide UNESCO- UNEVOC Network
with national focal points ("UNEVOC Centres") in more than 100 countries from all world regions.
It provides opportunity for network members to join international, regional and subregional programme activities, and to develop professional partnerships.

The UNESCO-UNEVOC Network was, and still is, the only global network of national TVET institutions.

Further information:

Source of the above documents:

The UNESCO-UNEVOC Electronic Mail Forum

Launched in 1998 by Hans Krönner on behalf of UNESCO-UNEVOC, the UNESCO-UNEVOC Electronic Mail Forum links TVET professionals in more than 100 countries from all world regions, as well as TVET experts from international governmental and non-governmental organisations.
It serves to share information, to announce events and publications, and to identify international partners for professional dialogue and activities.

Hans Krönner served as Moderator of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Electronic Mail Forum from its launch in 1998 until early 2005.

Further information:

Source of the above documents:

Use of Internet in the UNEVOC Network

Already in 1998, Hans Krönner organised, on behalf of UNESO-UNEVOC, a workshop in Cotonou, Benin, to familiarise network partners in West Africa with the requirements, costs and benefits of using the Internet for international professional communication in TVET.

Further information:

Source of the above documents:

International Cooperation Agencies in TVET

From 1996 to 2004, on behalf of UNESCO-UNEVOC, Hans Krönner participated in the "Working Group for International Cooperation in Skills Development", an informal panel of donor and international cooperation agencies with an interest in TVET and skills development.

Under his supervision and guidance, UNESCO-UNEVOC developed a guide entitled "Agencies for International Cooperation in TVET" to provide easy access to relevant sources of information.

Further information:

Source of the above documents:

Second International Congress on TVE

In April 1999, UNESCO held its Second International Congress on Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Within this congress, Hans Krönner was in charge of the programme of Commission I (Theme 2)
"Improving Systems Providing Education and Training throughout Life".

Further information:

Source of the above documents:

Seoul Congress UNEVOC Exhibition Stand Seoul Congress Commission 1

Cooperation between TVET Institutions and Enterprises

On behalf of UNESCO-UNEVOC, Hans Krönner has initiated a range of activities to promote cooperation between TVET institutions and enterprises. Seminars were held in Berlin (Germany) and in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), and several studies were commissioned.

Further information:

  • Seminar Report
    "Establishing Partnership in Technical and Vocational Education. Cooperation between Educational Institutions and Enterprises in Technical and Vocational Education" (English, PDF, 2 MB)
  • Rapport
    "Le partenariat dans l'enseignement technique et professionnel. Coopération entre institutions de formation et entreprises dans le domaine de l'enseignement technique et professionnels" (English, PDF, 900 KB)
  • Cooperation with the World of Work in Technical and Vocational Education.
    A: The Policy Level - Studies from Hungary, Romania and Sweden.
    B: The Institution Level - A Study from the Russian Federation. (English, PDF, 670 KB)
  • School Enterprises. Combining Vocational Learning with Production. (English, PDF, 300 KB)

Source of the above documents:

TVET in Azerbaijan

At the request of the Minister of Education of Azerbaijan, UNESCO-UNEVOC provided logistic support for the preparation of the first international conference on TVE after independence.

As an input for this conference, UNESCO-UNEVOC edited and published, in 1997, the first country profile of TVE in Azerbaijan in a Western language.

Hans Krönner was in charge of this activity on behalf of UNESCO-UNEVOC.

Further information:

Source of the above document:

Pyongyang: National Workshop on TVET

At the request of UNESCO, Hans Krönner undertook a mission to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
The purpose was to provide the Government with policy guidance and advice regarding the national system of TVET.

He delivered a series of presentations at a national workshop involving some 50 high-level officials from the Ministries of Education and Labour, describing and comparing the structure and functioning of TVET systems in selected countries.

The workshop was held in Pyongyang in August/September 2006, in close cooperation with the UNESCO Office Beijing.

TVET Workshop in Pyongyang: group photo TVET Workshop in Pyongyang: brainstorming

Technical Trainers in Saudi Arabia

Under contract with German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Hans Krönner acted as Short Term Expert to support the establishment of the Technical Trainers College in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The main purpose was to advise management and staff of the College on options for participation in regional and international professional networks, and to familiarise them with relevant international conventions, recommendations and other normative instruments.

The Technical Trainers College was opened in September 2009.

TTC Main Building, Riyadh TTC Planning Meeting

Observatory on Education, Training and Employment for Oman

In 2011-2012, Hans Krönner advised UNICEF Oman and the Ministry of Education of Oman in the development of an Observatory on Education, Vocational Training and Employment.

Its objective was to assess the situation of girls and women in the education and training system, and to assess female participation in the labour market in Oman.

The activities undertaken by Hans Krönner included the following:

  • conducting a survey to explore the views of national authorities, agencies and stakeholders on the Observatory's tasks,
  • summarising the results of the survey and presenting proposals for the next step,
  • preparing an overview of relevant international standards and experiences,
  • developing a concept, a methodology and a proposal for a national workshop,
  • pin board moderation of the national workshop,
  • submitting a proposed framework for the operation of the observatory
  • preparing decisions required for the establisment of the observatory.

Gender Issues in TVET

In 2010, Hans Krönner conducted research and produced a study on the situation of girls and women in the education and training system, and to assess female participation in the labour market in Oman.

A comprehensive analytical report emerged. It included a set of recommendations for:

  • expanding learning and training opportunities for females,
  • increasing and improving employment opportunities for females,
  • compensating for gender-specific factors and for the reproductive role of females, and
  • promoting gender mainstreaming and overcoming socio-cultural stereotypes.

The recommendations addressed various levels of intervention:

  • policy and legislation,
  • the education and training system,
  • education and training institutions and programmes,
  • guidance, counselling, employment services,
  • employers,
  • documentation, research, statistics, and
  • information, communication and mass media.

In 2011, Hans Krönner conducted research and produced a similar study on access of girls and women to vocational training and employment in Saudi Arabia.

In 2012, Hans Krönner elaborated a gender analysis and proposed strategies for equity and equality in TVET in Tanzania.

Mascat Brainstorming Mascat pinboard

Oman Workshop Oman classroom